Enterprise Mobility


Enterprise Mobility is bridging the gap between People & Process by providing access to critical data in real time. This is the result of innovation and search for cost-effective solutions.

Businesses are switching to enterprise mobility via mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones, sensors and connected devices (like handheld sales devices).

GSR has rich experience in Mobile applications on Healthcare, Energy and Utilities, Manufacturing, Media and Entertainment, Education & E-Commerce.


GSR offers a wide range of services in iPhone Apps Development which are customized, scalable, localized and of high quality.

GSR has attained a unique space as a leading iPhone application development company, by handling end-to-end development for various social, enterprise, security and research-based products and imparted in-depth technical skills to customers


GSR’s portfolio includes the complete range of Android mobile apps development handled by a team of experts in Android SDK, API’s, OpenGL, Android Media, 3D Graphics, Location-based Service APIs, Wi–Fi APIs, Security Architecture, Custom Widget development & other technologies.


Our enterprise mobility practice offers services to cover every aspect of mobile application development and includes the following


The lifecycle of mobile development is largely no different than the SDLC for web or desktop applications. As with those, there are usually 5 major portions of the process:

Furthermore, these phases can be used in any number of SDLC methodologies such as Agile, Spiral, Waterfall, etc.